
Flaxmill Maltings Community Arts


Flaxmill Maltings Community Arts - Aims and objectives:

To create an open and inclusive environment which makes the Flaxmill Maltings available to those who wish to participate in interpreting, though art, their responses to the site, it's related activities and processes and it's heritage and use over the last 215 years.

To work throughout the community to offer opportunities for public participation in arts related activities.

To raise the profile of the Friends of the Flaxmill Maltings and of the heritage of the site.

To chronicle the current state, and future redevelopment of Flaxmill Maltings, through a variety of media and to make this record available to the public.


These aims will be achieved by:

Curating exhibitions at the site.
Arranging exhibitions at other local venues.
Including local people of all ages in arts based events and activities.
Organising and providing art works to decorate hoardings & the proposed visitor centre.
Establishing an internet based record of artworks.


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