Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings Memories

The Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings has played an important part in the lives of people across Shropshire and the Friends are capturing peoples' stories through our oral history project.

Our volunteer team have been trained in oral history interviewing techniques and former Maltings employees, have been among our first interviewees. We have discovered details about how the Flax Mill was transformed into a maltings and the human stories contained within these magnificent buildings. 

As well as the people who worked at the Maltings, many local people have vivid memories of the Flaxmill Maltings during its time as a barracks during World War II. In June 2013 we returned to the 1940s with a wartime Tea Dance, over a hundred people joined us and shared their memories of dances, escapades and the rat hotel!

Our aspiration is that these memories will become an integral part of our interpretation. If you have a tale to tell or know someone we should involve in the project, get in touch and their stories will become part of the Flaxmill Maltings future as well as its past.  


View the presentation to learn more about the scope of the project. Click the Slideshare icon, then the save button to download the presentation to listen to the audio recordings.

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