
The Friends run a range of events at the Flax Mill Maltings and across Shrewsbury.

You can see all of our upcoming events and details of how to attend below or on our events calendar. This also includes details of other events and activities if you would like to add your events to our calendar please contact us.

You can see details on our previous events here.

Create your own Valentine's Card Workshop: Kissing Linen Beaks

As part of the Darwin Festival, the Friends of the Flaxmill Maltings are inviting you to:

a textile workshop inspired by Charles Darwin’s research on birds

Produce your own linen Valentine postcard for your loved one

Tutor Wendy Riddick

Friday 14 February 2020 in the visitors centre, cost £25 to include tea/coffee

Start at 11am, finish at 4pm, with an hour free for lunch (you are welcome to bring a packed lunch, oor visit one of the local cafes)