We will be hosting an Our Big Gig music event at the Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings on Saturday the 11th of July from 1pm to 6pm , bringing attention to the site and creating a celebration for local contributors!
The event will be free to attend, offering up to 5 hours of music in an open mic format. There will be workshops, music and dance, local choirs, ukeleles, food, drink and a festival atmosphere.
This will take place in and around Flaxivity, a youth centre based in a disused glazing factory in front of the Flaxmill Maltings buildings. The centre, which was set up by the Friends of the Flaxmill Maltings, offers skateboarding ramps and other activities and it will greatly benefit from the Our Big Gig event.
This event is funded by public donation. If you'd like to pledge a little towards costs please follow this link to Spacehive