There is a wealth of archaeology within the Flaxmill Maltings site. As part of the redevelopment we have worked with our project partners and consultants Oxford Archaeology North to involve the community in recording and understanding the site’s heritage.
The Friends of the Flaxmill Maltings and Oxford Archaeology North held a community archaeology event at the Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings in April 2013.
An excavation trench was dug around a group of former outbuildings including a stable and a wash house, followed by a week of post excavation work.
We were delighted to welcome over 50 volunteers into the project team. They had a chance to get hands on with the excavation and many were involved with cataloging and drawing finds, photographic tasks and producing a record of this exciting event.
You can read the project blog here
Two of our volunteer archaeologists from The Grange School comment on the dig:
Rebecca Wright
April 22, 2013 17:26
I go to the Grange School and I really enjoyed being an archaeologist and I'm going tomorrow again.
Jasmin Dawling
April 23, 2013 17:15
I'm from the Grange School and am one of the ones who are doing the archaelogical dig, and have visited the site on the 16th, 18th, today, and also on Thursday. I found an old pig toy today in a drain!
If you are interested in getting more involved with future archaeology projects get in touch.