Archives and Research

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There has always been a tremendous enthusiasm by the Friends to explore and learn more about the Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings history. Indeed for many of our volunteers this is a key driver in their involvement with the Friends.

 John Marshall

Our Archives and Research group was established in November 2010, with a visit to Shropshire Archives to view related records, plans, photos and drawings. The group have been instrumental in identifying and collating material related to the Flaxmill Maltings from Shropshire Archives, other organisations and individuals.

They are currently exploring the lives of those people who worked or were connected with the Flaxmill Maltings, but are no longer around to tell their story. A team of research volunteers has been recruited to undertake this project and initial data collation has begun.

Documentary Research Project Presentation Link

If you have information you would like to share with the Friends or if you are interested in joining our volunteer research team please contact us.