The Friends were formed by volunteers and they continue to be at the heart of our work.
We are led by our Trustee board:
If you are interested in joining our trustee board please contact Alan Mosley for more information. We are particularly interested in people with legal experience and commercial acumen, to complement our existing skill sets.
They are supported by:
Marianne Blaauboer
Richard Benjamin
01743 360213
The committee supports the Friends' board by providing consultation and recommendations for the implementation of our charitable aims and objectives. The committee has developed from our communities of interest and continues to be an integral part of the Friends.
You can find out more about this role here.
Volunteers will always be an inherent part of the Friends and the wider Flaxmill Maltings story. All of our project and activities involve volunteers at every level. Find out more about how to get involved with volunteering here.