

Issue: 16                                        October 2014

Heritage Open Days

We hosted another very successful open weekend at the Flaxmill Maltings earlier in September. We were entertained by musicians, a magician and morris dancers, treated to guided tours including trips up the Jubilee Tower, experienced a wonderful art show in the Cross Mill and Andy McKeown's light extravaganza in the South Silo, educated by an extensive Flax display and royally fed by Shropshire Hogroasts

Thanks to all of the 1,200 visitors who came to visit over the weekend, and to the 23 volunteers who gave their time to make it possible! 

We have short survey here and would be grateful if you could take a little time to share your thoughts and experiences with us about the open days in general and the arts at the Flaxmill Maltings. 

Work begins at the Flaxmill Maltings

Initial work on rejuvenating and renovating Shrewsbury’s historic Flax Mill Maltings has begun.

Stage one will comprise:

  • The conversion of the office and stables for use by the Friends of the Flaxmill Maltings as a visitor and reception centre
  • The demolition of the 1950’s silo providing further external space for cultural, interpretation and public use

Alan Mosley, chair of the Friends of the Flaxmill Maltings and leader of Shrewsbury Town Council, said: “We are delighted that the work is under way and want to congratulate English Heritage on achieving this.  We look forward to completion of the demolition and then the start of renovation of the Office and Stables building to create a visitor centre for our work, including reception, interpretation, learning, research and displays.”

Shropshire Star
Shrewsbury Today


Friends' Videos 


Oral histories Slideshow:

Excerpts from interviews with ex-employees of the Maltings, and soldiers barracked on the site during WW2, accompanied by archive pictures.

If you have any similar pictures or historical documents relating to the Flaxmill Maltings please let us know - we'd love copies!

To watch click here


Flaxmill Maltings Timeline: 

The history of the buildings in relation to local, national and international events.
To watch click here
Flaxmill Maltings Perspectives

A collection of photographic interpretations
The Friends have produced a beautiful book of images of the site, following the visual recording project which has been running for the last 12 months. 

A high quality hardback the book costs £20 and is available for collection from our Flaxivity office or by mail order, with an extra charge of £2:50 to cover postage and packing. For more information please mail richard@flaxmill-maltings.co.uk .

This book would make a great Christmas present!

Shrewsbury Open Studios
at Flaxivity

The Friends of the Flaxmill Maltings' Youth Centre, Flaxivity, will be playing host to three artists this weekend as part of Shrewsbury Open Studios.

The centre, which is in front of the Flaxmill Maltings, will be open from 11am to 5pm on the 4th & 5th of October and there will be work on show from Jill Bagnall, Diane Ferguson and Dea Paradisos. There is ample parking and the Friends will be serving refreshments.

This is part of a network of artists who will be showing work around the town over the weekend.

You can find out more about this, and download a map of venues, at the Shrewsbury Open Studios website here: http://shrewsburyopenstudios.co.uk/map/

Free Heritage clothing sewing workshop

Only a few places left
10am – 4pm
Sarah Thursfield, an expert in historical clothing,
will begin a project to make eighteenth century costume for events, and will be starting us off making eighteenth century childrens’ bonnets, aprons and pinafores.
From this we hope to develop a regular sewing group at Flaxivity youth centre in front of the mill, to hand sew clothes. The initial group will decide times of these at the first meeting.
To book a place contact Richard:
For more info contact Maralyn:
 07857 276221

The Friends are supported by:

Copyright © 2014 Friends of the Flaxmill Maltings*, All rights reserved.

Email: richard@flaxmill-maltings.co.uk
Website: www.flaxmill-maltings.co.uk

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